Amir is the founder of Adonis Athletics, after completing his Bachelors and then Masters degree in Sport & Exercise Science specialising in sports performance he began gaining valuable experience in the industry before opening the first branch of Adonis Athletics in 2010.
Since then he has been developing the training systems that have be used across Adonis Athletics branches to produce multiple state, national and international champions in strength sports, football, combat sports and more.
He is a 3 time national powerlifting champion with multiple national records which still stand across 2 federations, a former IPF deadlift world record holder, a gold and bronze medallist at the IPF world championships in the deadlift and squat respectively. He has not only competed at high level powerlifting competitions but also in kickboxing, wrestling, weightlifting and strongman.
He understands the physical and mental demands of sports and competition and his hands-on nature is the reason why he can relate to the goals of people who want to get bigger and stronger either for performance purposes or simply just reactional reasons.
To him coaching is more than just a telling people how to do an exercise. It involves the mental approach to training and setting your mind on a clear goal as well as dedicating yourself physically until the goal is achieved. You can follow him on Instagram: